Если хочешь прикоснуться к звездам, поцелуй глаза Любимой - в них отражается вся вселенная!
In our headlights, staring, bleak,

Beer cans, deer's eyes

On the asphalt underneath,

Our crushed plans and my lies

Lonely street signs, powerlines,

They keep on flashing, flashing by

And we keep driving into the night

It's a late goodbye, such a late goodbye

Ad we keep driving into the night

It's a late goodbye

Your breeth hot upon my cheeks,

And we crossed that line

You made me strong when I was feeling week

And we crossed, that one time

Screaming stop signs, staring wild eyes

Keep on flashing, flashing by

The devil grins from ear to ear

He seems the hand he's dealt us

Points at your flaming hair,

And then we're playing hide and seek

I can't breath easy hear,

Less our trail's gone cold behind us

Till' in the john mirror you stare

At yourself grown old and week

And we keep driving into the night

It's a late goodbye, such a late goodbye

And we keep driving into the night

It's a late goodbye

@музыка: сабж